Forgive me if you find some conflicting data from post to posts. My intention is to provide food for thought, and as I learn new things, I may link it in or reference it, but not go back to earlier posts and make corrections. Thank you and enjoy.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Side by Side comparison NB Power and Hydro Quebec

I did a side by side comparison of some of the statistics for NB Power and Hydro Quebec. The picture below is not readable, but when you click on it, it should open a new page with a spreadsheet with a comparison of the major indices of each company. Use your back button to get back to the blog. Of course, anyone can pick a number from one company to compare to another, but I picked 12 of the larger items. Hopefully I can add to it. All items are from Annual reports or other sources that I have previously posted. I also added the provincial population and provincial debt as a starter. Neither provincial debt calculation has the respective power company debt. Quebec has roughly 10 times the population as New Brunswick, so naturally, one would assume that everything else should maintain some resemblance of that 10x ratio. Most items do, with some items favouring Quebec, and some items favouring NB. But our premier should stop it with the "crippling debt" crap. If anyone has a crippling debt, it is Quebec. Oh yeah, that was the subject of a previous post.

One item that is a major item, that i have not included yet, is the percent of renewable fuel source versus fossil fuel source. I won't pretend to argue that one, but New Brunswick played the hand it was dealt. There is just not much hydro left to develop in the province. Grand Falls, could be doubled (60 - 80 megawatts) but besides that, there are only a couple of hundred megawatts of hydro left in the province. NB Power developed Grand Lake to use indigenous coal at a time when it was beneficial to the province. It served a very useful purpose for a lot of years and will be soon be retired.

Happy reading and Happy Holidays to everyone. Except the Grinch who stole Christmas. You know who you are.

EDIT REQUIRED. (Jan 9) I may have to edit the data for the NB debt. I may have forget the debt carried by the New Brunswick Electric Finance Company that had been formed a few years back when the electricty act was changed and NB Power broken into several companies. Seems part of the debt was tranferred to this new entity for some reason. Actual debt per rate payer may approach $16,000 per ratepayer.

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