I attended the save NB Power rally in Fredericton yesterday along with about 700 hundred other people. I have a few pictures and videos to show. You will have to forgive the picture quality. I was using a borrowed camera, but very compact, as mine has a busted screeen and I really don't know what it's doing.
Several speakers were on hand, including a local high school student who gave a hell of a speech. Well written and well spoken. Unfortunately I did not record it. Gail Levesque spoke on behalf of the Dalhousie staff, Ross Galbraith spoke on behalf of union and people NB in general. Video is posted on IBEW website at
http://www.youtube.com/ibew37 . Jeannot Volpe spoke. David Aylward and another Conservative MLA spoke. Bethany Dykstra gave a very powerful and emotional speech on behalf nbpoeplefirst. She has been in the news as critical to the sale. She claims we can get a plebiscite if we can convince the liberal mla's to hold one. The NDP leader and Green Party leaders both gave speeches. David Coon was there. His words "I'll probably be as popular as a skunk at a picnic for what I am going to say". True. He cut up NB Power, but no one threw anything at him. Other than that, I really don't remember what he said. Couldn't have been that important. There were two really popular chants yesterday. One was "Hey Hey, Ho Ho - Shawn Graham has got to go !!" Recreated here for your veiwing pleasure. (Technical difficulties are preventing the video from uploading)
The other was "what kind of power do we want - NB POWER!!" Someone felt that the NB Government had a fire sale and had to let everyone know.
Lots of signs were made up by some generous bunch. Not sure who, but I got handed one when I got close to the crowd. The NDP had one as well, but I don't have a picture of it to show.

This next item I have to post to youtube, but am posting it here for now. Apparently Jack Keir was asked how many people he thought was at the rally. His Answer was: " A cup a hund, ahh a cup a hund..." Apparently he was unable to estimate the crowd size and suggested someone else do a head count and let him know. The question I have been asked to post is " How many people do you beleive were at the rally, and what do you believe the media is doing to the public perception." Check out this video at http://www.savenbpower.org/ and you decide. Looks like more than a "cup a hund" to me. Thanks got to Art Mckay and whoever else over there who is volunterring to create such a great website.
More info on rally can be found here:
Hello, just discovered your blog through a link posted on the savenbpower.org facebook page.
ReplyDeleteGreat job. I am the young speaker you were talking about, I'm glad you liked my speech.
Now, many people spoke to RCMP officers at the rally, and the officers (Who are trained to scan and estimate crowds.) estimated around 1500 and some even said they estimated closer to 2000.
Far from a couple hundred, seven hundred, etc. and all the other numbers we got from the bias media.
L'Acadie Nouvelle (I believe that is what it is called.) The French newspaper, did an article about me. (Haven't seen it yet, but I heard about it from a friend.) and said there were three thousand people in attendance!
So the media is all over the place with estimations. I'll go by what the RCMP officers said.