Forgive me if you find some conflicting data from post to posts. My intention is to provide food for thought, and as I learn new things, I may link it in or reference it, but not go back to earlier posts and make corrections. Thank you and enjoy.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Posted this today on give away your , I mean "

To James at Gov NB

"Concerning this question – Are there assurances of job creation?"

The Government of New Brunswick has been told by a number of businesses, on a number of different occasions, that this proposed deal between Hydro-Quebec and NB Power will have a positive effect on jobs here in the province.

Another way to look it :

I, Shawn Graham, duly elected to represent the people of NB , promise NOT to sell NB Power.

Later on ........ I Shawn Graham, announce today that NB has entered into a historic agreement to sell NB Power.

See Shawn - business don't have to keep there promises either. They'll gladly take your government handout and RUN.


TO James at GNB

Seeing as you're on here quite a bit today, maybe you can answer this:

Concerning these questions : What will be the total provincial debt on April 1, 2010 after this deal goes through, and what percentage of the provincial debt will be wiped out? And, what will be the provincial debt on April 1, 2011 after the taxpayers pay for the completion of the Pt. Lepreau overhaul? The government is quite willing to shows calculations out to the year 2040 and beyond, so this exercise in only looking 1-1/2 years out shouldn't be a big problem.

As for the costs of decommisioning the thermal stations, under the status quo, would not these costs would be paid by all Ratepayers. Like how current ratepayers paid for taking down the Chatham plant. Instead the government is moving these costs over to all Taxpayers. Kinda like deciding to keep paying the registration and PLPD insurance on an old truck you keep behind the barn, but decide not to drive. Doesn't make much sense.

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