Seen this on everyone's favorite social media website. I grabbed it to post here, because it is worth posting and it will fade away soon on that site. Credits go to Betty.
"I heard that the ‘blue ribbon panel’ report on the proposed sale of NB Power to Hydro-Quebec will be released Feb1.
I will be very disappointed unless this report addresses as a minimum the following issues:
-lists the experts consulted in the preparation of the report... See More
-explains why the public was not given the opportunity to make submissions
-an honest comparison of the proposed sale and NB Power’s strategic plan (not the ‘status quo’ the government keeps referring to as no intelligent executive would plan to indefinitely refurbish and rebuild existing generation assets)
-calculations showing the expected revenue and costs of the retained transmission system proving it will be sustainable
-fair valuation of generation assets and transmission rights being sold
-rationale for the cost per kilowatts hour in the ‘energy agreement’ (power is currently purchased from Hydro-Quebec for less than half that, and is also currently available on the open market for about 2/3 of that)
-rationale for the limit of the heritage pool
-all costs, fees, payments in lieu of taxes, etc currently paid by NB Power to the provincial government and how that revenue will be replaced when it is lost through this agreement
-total cost of this deal including foregone revenue currently received from NB Power, pension costs, subsidy to local utilities (Saint John Energy, etc), costs of expected lost positions and spin offs, etc
-estimate of power rate increases after five years
-valuation of carbon credits which Minister Keir says aren’t worth much but also says to retain them would have to give up, for example, five year rate freeze (his words)
-the effect on ratepayers of the decommissioning of Belledune and Coleson Cove (which will be operated under the direction and control of Hydro-Quebec who has the option to request their shut down)
-whether Hydro-Quebec has any residual interest (as in the original MOU) in Belledune and Coleson Cove after they are directed to shut-down (the fluctuating price of oil is a concern but these plants could without excess effort be converted to natural gas and they do have state of the art scrubbers which seems to be ignored)
-explains why a long term power purchase agreement with Hydro-Quebec was not considered as an option
Citizens have very serious concerns about the ability of the members of this advisory panel to be truly objective and free of bias. Unless this report truly addresses the broad spectrum of concerns raised concerning this proposed sale it will have accomplished little."
.Possibly she is the same person who wrote this as well.
Married To A Bedouin (9781844082209)
2 years ago
The process of making the proposal to sell parts of NB Power (in both MoUs) was completely flawed. The moral ground for selling a crown asset the Premier promised not to sell -- particularly when his party won a majority of less than .01 percent of the popular vote -- does not exist. Secondly, the apparent gagging of his caucus by instructing them not to talk about the MoUs, contravenes the democractic principle of representative and accountable governance. The hiring of a local and an infamous international public relations firm noted for selling bad causes is a further insult to the electorate. That the PR firm(s)failed and subsequently some 28 large businesses, which would benefit from the "deal," produced a flyer
ReplyDelete(in the same languge as the PR firm) "Knowledge is Power" compounded the insult -- doubly so for those firms' employees. The badly staged caucus revolt before MoU-2 was pulled from a hat attests to the value of the PR firm and this government which has consistently contracted out for brains -- without given policy. In short an immoral and incompetent management of the file requires legal recourse to discover if there has been an abuse of public trust. So I speak only to process and the fact that this bungling has put democracy in this province on "life support." From the wealth of facts from informed citizens (not from government) confirm for me that the proposal is also a bad business deal. Thank you for the timely posting of your site -- hours before a government site is mounted.