Forgive me if you find some conflicting data from post to posts. My intention is to provide food for thought, and as I learn new things, I may link it in or reference it, but not go back to earlier posts and make corrections. Thank you and enjoy.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Rally in Fredericton at the Legislature Building

Just back from Freddy Beach. Didn't feel like no beach though. -12 with the wing blowing. It was cold. But that didn't stop the faithful from attending. The crowd was strong given the weather. There was even a 85 year old couple sitting in the front in chairs that were kept sheltered by the huddled crowd.

A lone sign was stuck in the snowbank contrasting the intended purpose of the building versus the action of the current government. The sign says " NB 1st : One does not sell the right to power. This is a democracy. Support NB Power families. Where an orange ribbon"

Several speakers including union leader for IBEW 37 Ross Galbraith , Conservative Leader David Aylward, NDP Leader Roger Duguay spoke, representatives from the other parties, as well as others. My opologies to everyone else who spoke who I did not name, I have a short memory, and it was too cold to take notes.

This guy is making sure everyone knows his opinion.

The RCMP had a forensic investigation vehicle there with a little cam corder in the window pointed at the crowd. If they were looking for a crime, most felt it should be pointed at the ruling government inside the building.

These two make such a cute couple.

A freindly conservative mla kindly opening the window so the loud ruckus could be heard inside. He's giving a thumbs up, the volume must have been good.

Jack Keir braved the cold to be confronted by an even colder crowd. Unfortunately my camera was set on hi-def and the video I have is too massive to upload. I'll see wht I can do to shrink it and upload later. That's all for now folks. Sorry, no new facts or thoughtful stories today. Well, I did get a handout from the NB Media Co-op. It talks about the well known fact that Hill and Knowlton are used to help the government market the sale of NB Power. Check it out. Worth a look anyway.

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