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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Vermont signs deal with Hydro Quebec

Check out the new deal Hydro Quebec signed with Vermont.

At 4.5 cents/kw hr, it's a quite bit cheaper than the deal signed here.

If this deal was signed here, versus the 7.35 cents/kwhr NB signed, the savings per year would be:

250MW x 8760 hours per year x $45 / megawatt hour = $98,550,000 per year

250MW x 8760 hours per year x $73.50 / megawatt hour = 161,000,000 per year

The difference is roughly $62,000,000 per year.

If NB was to sign a PPA contract for say, the amount that could be brought through the HVDC ties, lets say three times that amount. So 750 MW.

The difference between the the Vermont price, and Grahams price, would be difference of
$186 Million per year.

Multiplty that over the 26 years that the Vermont contract is good for, and you have a savings of $4.8 Billion. This seems to be very close the value that the NERA report says NBer's will save over 40 years. In fact over 40 years, this deal would save us $7.44 Billion.
.Great negotiations on the part of the NB Government. (sense the sarcasm)

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