Hydro Quebec has been kind enough to tell us how well, or poorly compared to last year, their company has been doing through their Strategic Plan and quarterly reports posted on their website. http://www.hydroquebec.com/publications/en/quarterly_report/index.html
The New England System Operator has been kind enough to post through their website the average daily open market electricity prices. If you poke around this site long enough, you can gather the historical price paid. http://www.iso-ne.com/markets/hstdata/index.html
The data in the graph presented is the NB - Maine intertie data.
The reasoning I have talked about before. http://nbpowermemorandumofunderstanding.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-view.html
This is just a graphical presentation. Enjoy. I think it's pretty dramatic presented this way.
Oh, I seem to have issues with spreadsheets in the blog format. Click on the graph and it will open a new page with all the data easily readable.

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