Forgive me if you find some conflicting data from post to posts. My intention is to provide food for thought, and as I learn new things, I may link it in or reference it, but not go back to earlier posts and make corrections. Thank you and enjoy.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Ineptitude as defined by Miriam Webster online dictionary:

Main Entry: in·ep·ti·tude
Pronunciation: \(ˌ)i-ˈnep-tə-ˌtüd, -ˌtyüd\
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin ineptitudo, from ineptus
Date: 1615
: the quality or state of being inept; especially : incompetence

Incompetence as defined by Miriam Webster online dictionary:

Main Entry: in·com·pe·tence
Pronunciation: \(ˌ)in-ˈkäm-pə-tən(t)s\
Function: noun
Date: 1663
: the state or fact of being incompetent

Incompetent as defined by Miriam Webster online dictionary:

Main Entry: in·com·pe·tent
Pronunciation: \(ˌ)in-ˈkäm-pə-tənt\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle French incompétent, from in- + compétent competent
Date: 1595
1 : not legally qualified
2 : inadequate to or unsuitable for a particular purpose
3 a : lacking the qualities needed for effective action b : unable to function properly

Incompetent seems to fit pretty good with the definition most New Brunswickers would give to the current premier and the minister of energy.

The little announcemnt today by Keir stating that he asked NB Power not to raise power rates 3% on April Fools day, seems to follow the theme. Maybe we should re-name it SHACK day. After SHawn and jACK. Only NBer's would get it, but that' enough.

For months we've heard about how the big bad wolf NB Power will raise electricity rates by 5 Tim's coffees per month, and that SHACK will need to save us all from the big bad wolf by giving away NB Power. Well, I guess just the profitable parts.
But noooo....Today, all of a sudden, the minister of energy realized he has the authority to tell NB Power not to raise rates. Actually I guess it was way back on February 5th. Just goes to show how well he does his job. As minister of energy, he has the single vote on what NB Power can do. At least that is the way I read it. page 32

Who's truly been fear mongering? Well, I gues SHACK doesn't count, because no one beleives anything that comes out their mouth's anyway.

I had the opportunity to have a one on one with a First Nation Cheif last week. The information he told me was quite surprising. Apparently all the First Nations had a meeting with the province just about two weeks ago. By the province I mean SHACK and their cohorts and other provincial beaurocrats. The topic, Consultation and Accomodation.

For those who may need to read up on their history, here are a few links.

Some of this you may have read in the papers and online, but basically The Supreme Court of Canada rulings make it law that First Nations must be consulted and accommodated before provincial governments can do anything of signifigance with Crown land that will/may affect a First Nation.

Basically selling the Hydro system affects Tobique and Woodstock. There apparently doesn't have to have been any prior written agreement about the issue for the consulatation process to begin. Just the fact that there are old treaties between the Aboriginal peoples and the Government seems to be what the Supreme court is upholding.

The Supreme Court of Canada ruling that is making this happen started in 2004. It seems to have progressed since with some wording written in the last year. This is a copy of the ruling:

I guess the NB gov had not officially acknowleged this Supreme Court Ruling until this meeting two weeks ago, but I guess it is law.

Shawns acknowledgment included trying to buy the NB First Nations with a large block of free power to do with as they wish.

The offer was refused. So the consultation was done, but the accomdation not completed.

Graham also sat with all the NB Cheifs in 2007 and signed a bilateral agreement.

But I was told Graham hasn't honoured a single word of it. Seems none of the Cheifs are happy with Graham.

"A new era in Aboriginal-provincial relations has been ushered in with the signing of the Mi'kmaq, Maliseet, Province of New Brunswick Relationship Building Bilateral Agreement in a ceremony at the Legislative Assembly in Fredericton .
The ceremony began with a traditional pipe ceremony and blessing from Maliseet and Mi'kmaq elders,as well as a gift presented to the elders by Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Ed Doherty, Minister responsible for Aboriginal Affairs.

"Our new relationship will be one of respect, good faith and partnership -- one where we will work together to reconcile First Nations and Crown issues and jurisdictions from this day forward."
Shawn Graham

So where does all this lead to. Not sure, but maybe the rumours about the deal getting squashed this Friday may have some backing????

Only time will tell.

And for those that were wondering where I was, I took a small break. I was away for a few days, and am now watching some Olympics. And as bad as I want to comment on the "Own the Podium", I just wish to say good luck to all the athletes. I know there are no NBer's there, except for the American speedskater, but Good Luck to all the athletes, and may their dreams come true.

Monday, February 8, 2010

The post has no subject

I'm currently at a loss for an entry. But.....

I could write about democracy on life support in this province, but politics is something I don't seem to do well with. As a technical person, I don't get it, when it comes to someone pushing for power at the sake of someone suffering. I don't think that's most peoples desire when entering politics, but some seem to succomb to it at some point in their career. But not all. Thankfully.
But I will leave that subject to the unbiased newspapers, the political scientists, and other acedemics who enjoy the art of bashing politicians. "VOILA"

I could elaborate on a post a freind of mine put on Shawn Graham's Lower Rates site.

"Quebec is one of the worst environmental actors in North America. They do not care about being “Green” they only care about the “Green” in their pockets.

Proof below: (Charest why don’t you answer)

1) Quebec is blocking 3,000 MW of CO2 reducing hydro power from being developed by NFLD and Lab. If Quebec really cared about CO2 reduction, they would be helping NL develope this resource – instead of blocking it

2) Read the news this week – Charest did not want to respond to why Quebec is killing people in the 3rd world by exporting Asbestos to them. Charest basically said that it is not Quebec’s problem if people in the 3rd world die. All he cares about the “Green” in his pocket, not about people or the environment.

And remember he says “A contract is a Contract”. You better hope that Shawn is the world’s best contract person – because “Forever is Forever”."

Think about that. If Canada had a real National Energy Policy, NL would be energy self sufficient, just like Quebec. With some left to spare to the rest of the Maritimes. Maybe we could convert some of it to hydrogen, and ship it to BC for the Vancouver transit commision to run their fleet of hydrogen powered buses. 61% less emmisions from a hydrogen powered bus than a regular bus. But, I thought hydogen was clean? Apparently the big diesels transports that bring it from Trois Riveire, QC, to BC are not. It's a super long article. I couldn't read it all.

I could talk about how our nieghbours, yes HQ, and NS are promoting energy conservation.
It's amazing what gets born out of necesity.

I could talk about how big a part natural gas plays generating electricity now in North America.

Not that I beleive the EIA is the most unbiased source of information when it comes to projections, but for historical purposes, their data should be good.

Natural Gas was responsible for generating 21% of the electricity produced in the United States in 2008. The volume used to do that was about 7,000,000 million cubic feet of gas. That is 7 trillion cubic feet of gas.

If you go to Corridor Resources website. That's one of the companies with a big interest in NB natural gas.

If you look down the page, you will see this statement :
"Calgary based consultants GLJ have estimated a 59.1 trillion cubic feet (tcf) (net to Corridor) gas-in-place resource in the Frederick Brook formation in the Sussex and Elgin sub-basins. If only 10 percent of these resources are commercially recoverable, it provides a significant target for these shale gas exploration, appraisal and completion operations."

59 Trillion divided by 7 Trillion is about 8 and a half. Lets call it 8. The natural gas feild between Saint John and Moncton has the potential to supply 21 % of the US electricty production market for 8 years. Or 10% for 16 years, or 5% for 32 years, or 1 % for 160 years.

US Natural gas generators , in terms of MW capacity, are over 100 times larger than ALL NB Power combined.

With that simple math, the natural gas feild in NB, could potentially supply all of the "heritage pool" electricity requirements for 160 years.

I'll leave it up to you to do any other combination that might tickle your fancy. And do double check my math, because both Shawn Graham and Frank McKenna have publically said there are no fossil fuel resources in NB.

Here's Shawn: 1 minute 13 seconds into video.

Here's Frank:

But, maybe I'll just go research another conspiracy theory.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Another one bites the dust

"New Brunswick's tourism and parks minister has been pushed out of Premier Shawn Graham's cabinet in a dispute over the controversial sale of parts of NB Power.Stuart Jamieson said in a statement Friday night that he was asked by the Liberal premier to tender his resignation after saying the deal with Hydro-Québec should be put to a public referendum."

Quotes about the firing:

"Michelle: That's my dad!!! Whohooo!!! I will share your comments with him... he truly is and always will be my hero no matter what happens. :)"

"I am an elected official (City Councilor) in Fredericton, NB and I
make it a PRIORITY to have the people get an opportunity to be heard. I
am a "spokesperson" for the people of my area. As for... Minister
Jamieson, he was just that as well, a "spokesperson" for the people. If
you are an "elected official, whether it be Municipal, Provincial, or
Federal and you are fired because you want the "people" have an
opportunity to be heard, then perhaps the person that fired you should
be the one that is fired.

I am very disappointed in Premier Graham.

Councilor David Kelly

Fredericton, New Brunswick"

"Posted at TJ: Congratulations to Mr. Jamieson. He is right and solidarity should be with the citizens of NB NOT the caucus. Government is NOT a business and their role is to represent the interests of the citizens NOT to act like the board of directors of a corporation. If Stuart Jamieson crossed the floor today he wou...ld be demonstrating his belief that OUR politicians should represent the interests of the citizens of New Brunswick NOT big business and other interests."

"Yes you are indeed a true credit Mr. Jamieson you have done more to restore my faith in democracy then you will ever know. Now if only a few others will step up and do likewise!"

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Honestly Folks

I'm truly getting a little tired of this whole political bullshit. Pardon my language. I normally don't go there, but I just watched Keirs speech on the lower rates website.

Then I read this:

Amazing that residential customers in NB have to subsidize industry by about 30%, while the NEW NB Power sells power to residential customers in Maine for up to 19% less.

Seems the standard rate exactly matches the MOU rate, and starts April 1.

Watch this video. Just sing along and replace "Obomaman" with "graham cracker man"
and substitute any of the mentioned large US bailout corportations with any of your hometown favorites.

Anybody know any good lawyers. LOL

Five years to get off the grid folks.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Could this be the real Sale Time Line ??

The liberal Government has been kind enough to tell that the negotiations with Quebec started way back last winter about this time.

Hydro Quebec has been kind enough to tell us how well, or poorly compared to last year, their company has been doing through their Strategic Plan and quarterly reports posted on their website.

The New England System Operator has been kind enough to post through their website the average daily open market electricity prices. If you poke around this site long enough, you can gather the historical price paid.

The data in the graph presented is the NB - Maine intertie data.

The reasoning I have talked about before.

This is just a graphical presentation. Enjoy. I think it's pretty dramatic presented this way.
Oh, I seem to have issues with spreadsheets in the blog format. Click on the graph and it will open a new page with all the data easily readable.

Monday, February 1, 2010

the Advisory Panel Report

I have not completely read this yet, but for those who may be looking for the Ganong Panel Report, here it is in it's full glory.

My observations:

The panel seems on the ball with the Lepreau deferral:

"The Panel recognized that the Lepreau deferral account
is an issue both in the business as usual case and if the
Proposal is implemented. The concern is when the costs
will be recovered in the rates. The Panel recommends that
the costs associated with this deferral account should
begin to be applied to rates in the first year of the Proposal term rather than being deferred thus reducing interest charges on the deferred debt and mitigating a larger rate increase in sixth year after the plant restarts."

This statement I have an issue with :

"However, should the restarting of Lepreau be unsuccessful or extended for some time, replacement electricity supply will be needed.
The guarantee of lower cost replacement electricity supply under the HPS would reduce the cost compared to replacement supply from the open electricity market. It is unlikely that any electricity producer bidding into the regional electricity market would be lower in price than the guaranteed HPS from Hydro-Québec under the Proposal."

I think the reason the Quebec government even made an offer to Graham to buy when he did go there looking for cheaper rates, is because the price of natural gas dropped like a rock, (see my earlier post on that subject) and HQ is left holding the bag for $25 billlion in captal expenditures, and doesn't have a customer anymore. This is even talked about in the report. but they didn't see that open market rates available from the US because natural genration is so cheap, are currently about 40% lower than the proposed heritage pool rate.

Keir disagrees with this statement:

"NB Power would be left to service the debt of only the transmission and distribution companies and the deferral account. This debt should be sufficiently serviced by revenue from rates."

They brought up Grand Lake again. Everyone knows it was going to close, so why give credit to any emmissions savings.

It's too bad they just seem to rehash the same NERA and MacQuarrie Consulting numbers.
I don't know if that's really due diligence.

They did tell the government to keep their fingers out of the pie, though.

Anyway, I'm off to finish reading it. Goodnight Folks.